Re-engineering Obsolete Electronic Designs


Electronics is a fast-moving industry. The cycle of new component release and old component obsolescence and increasing component lead-times causes ripples throughout the industry. Manufacturers of electronics based products are often forced to consider making designs obsolete before their time or else face the process of re-engineering.

Re-engineering of old designs can offer significant benefits:

  • Cost reduction
  • Smaller form factor
  • Improved performance and reliability
  • Improved lead-times with better component availability
  • Extended product life

If you need assistance with the process of re-engineering your product (or even with a completely new design), 40 years of design, engineering and manufacturing experience, make Corintech the ideal partner.

Meet us at the Engineering Design Show – 17th to 18th October 2018 – stand E50. Registration for FREE visitor tickets is now open!

Sign up here.

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