Aristotle once said “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” and taking this wisdom into account when selecting a sub-contract partner can pay dividends. Our Custom Team Manager Martin Skinner explains how multidisciplinary teams like Corintech add value to a project …
Enhancing Manufacturing Quality: Corintech Introduces CompaClean II PCB Cleaner
In the highly technical field of electronics, ensuring the quality and reliability of printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs) is crucial. Recognising this, Corintech has made a significant move to enhance its production standards by installing the new PBT Works CompaClean II PCB cleaning machine. This investment highlights the importance of washing PCBAs and demonstrates Corintech’s ongoing commitment to achieving quality assurance. The Importance of PCB Cleaning: Contaminant Removal: During assembly, PCBAs can become contaminated with flux, solder paste and other residues. If not cleaned, these pollutants may cause corrosion and electrical problems. Corintech’s CompaClean II machinery effectively removes these contaminants, ensuring the integrity of each assembly. Avoidance of Electrical Failures: