
This Sustainable Product Design Policy is a guide for Corintech employees to ensure that the Company develops and produces products that are designed on a sustainable basis: to minimise the environmental impact across the entire product lifecycle, from design and manufacture, through product use, and to end-of-life.


This policy applies to all Corintech employees regardless of employment agreement, position, or location. It applies to all new product development activities within the Company.

2. Responsibility


Senior Leaders, Directors and Managers are responsible for implementing and overseeing procedures that result in product sustainability issues being considered within their departments.


All employees should consider how their activities impact the sustainability of products under development, and when appropriate suggest improvements to their Supervisor, Manager or the Sustainability Officer.

3. Material Selection

Consideration must be given to the full life-cycle of Company products and the environmental impact of all materials specified for use. Specifically:

  • Materials used shall always comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS 3) Directive, as detailed in the Company Environmental Policy
  • Specified materials should always be recyclable except where it is functionally essential to use non-recyclable materials
  • Where recyclable materials are specified, where possible the appropriate recycling symbol and code should be clearly marked on each part
  • Where recyclable materials are specified, a target percentage of 25% of recycled content should be used within the product

4. Packaging Design

While still providing the required level of protection to the product being packaged, all Company end-product packaging must limit any environmental impact both in terms of type and quantity of materials used. It should also consider the product volume in relation to distribution and transportation. Specifically:

  • No plastic should be used in end-product packaging, except where functionally essential (e.g. protective film on displays), and then recyclable or biodegradable options should be used
  • All materials should be recyclable, including labels (although consideration must be given to avoid any out-gassing of organic compounds that may contaminate sensors)
  • The percentage of air within product packaging should be minimised and recorded; a target of less than 25% air should be achieved in normal circumstances

5. Provision of Product Accessories

Product accessories should only be provided with a product if they are considered essential for its operation; these may include:

  • Batteries
  • Power supplies
  • Cables for charging or communications
  • Wall mounting brackets

6. Modularity and Upgradeability

Products should be designed to incorporate modularity whenever possible. In order to extend the in-service of Company products, they should be designed for future upgrades to enhance their capabilities after initial entry into service. This may include:

  • Firmware upgrades (ideally over-the-air)
  • New sensor technology (e.g. modular, swappable smart probes)

Products should be designed to incorporate modularity whenever possible. In order to extend the in-service of Company products, they should be designed for future upgrades to enhance their capabilities after initial entry into service. This may include:

  • Firmware upgrades (ideally over-the-air)
  • New sensor technology (e.g. modular, swappable smart probes)

7. Product Return Service

As detailed in the Company Environmental Policy, all relevant products shall be marked with the WEEE logo (crossed-out wheelie bin) so they may be separated from other waste streams to ensure that they are recycled in an environmentally sound manner.
Corintech operates a product return service for end-of-life products, again as detailed in the Company Environmental Policy.

8. Reporting and Monitoring

Corintech has a continual improvement approach to sustainability throughout the Company. This policy will be updated whenever the Company wishes to increase targets or introduce new initiatives. We will report key progress within the Company’s annual ESG report. We are also committed to using a third-party business sustainability rating service, EcoVadis or an equivalent, that recognises the value of sustainable design.

Version 1.0

Company Policies

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