
ESG in Electronics Manufacture

A Focus on Environmental and Social Factors

Corintech believes that by committing to sustainable principals, policies, and practices, the company will remain competitive and resilient, and ensure long-term success, whilst fulfilling our corporate responsibilities to society and the environment.

We have a range of company policies that guide employees at all levels, and in every department, to make the right choices for the business and our community of stakeholders. These policies are supported by a comprehensive sustainability training programme that is constantly evolving due to our continual improvement approach to sustainability, as well as the ever-changing market demands, challenges and regulatory requirements.

Corintech has a range of sustainability related Key Performance Indicators that we track to monitor our performance across social, governance, procurement and environmental elements of our operations. In 2023, we became a member of EcoVadis, so that our sustainability credentials were officially rated and to enable us to share detailed analysis of our rating with our trading partners. Corintech was delighted to be awarded an EcoVadis Silver Medal in 2023 and will continue to have sustainability assessments on an annual basis. For more detailed information relating to Corintech’s sustainability, please contact our Sustainability & Compliance Officer.

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